Ready to make toilet training a breeze?

Are You Ready To Start Toilet Training?

Are You Ready to Start Toilet Training?

Christmas and Summer is an ideal time to start toilet But are you and your little one ready for the transition?

Anytime from 18mths to 3 years, your little one may start showing interest in using the toilet. However, it’s important not to rush into full-time toilet training just yet.

There are essential skills they need to learn before transitioning from nappies to undies.

Here are some top tips to set the stage for successful toilet training:

1. Familiarize with the Toilet: Encourage your toddler to use the toilet before their bath, after naps, and at other key times. This helps them get used to the sensation and process of urinating.

2. Use Books for Education: Reading books about using the potty/toilet can be a helpful way to teach your child about the process.

3. Practice with Underpants and Handwashing: Mastering dressing and undressing, especially with pants and shorts, is crucial. Additionally, emphasize the importance of handwashing.

4. Ensure Independent Toilet Access: A sturdy two-step stool can make a significant difference in allowing your child to use the toilet independently. Consider one that can be easily moved from the toilet to the sink.

5. Invest in a Family Toilet Seat: These are designed for both little and not-so-little bums, making them a valuable addition to your bathroom.

6. Wait for Signs of Readiness: Your child should be able to recognize when they need to go and have had several successful attempts in the toilet. Remember, official toilet training should only begin when your child is confidently meeting these milestones, which may take weeks or even months.

When They’re Ready:

1. Transition to Big Kid Undies: Reserve nappies for sleep and encourage the use of special ‘big kid’ undies during the day.

2. Start with Timed Intervals: Set a 15-minute timer to remind your child to use the toilet. Gradually increase the intervals.

3. Monitor Water Intake: Keep an eye on your child’s liquid intake to anticipate when they might need to go.

4. Encourage Independence: Let them use the toilet as independently as they’re comfortable with.

5. Be Prepared for Outings: Bring a ‘Wee mat’ and spare clothes for potential accidents.

6. Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward charts, stamps, or stickers can be effective tools for encouragement. Remember, accidents are part of the learning process. Don’t be discouraged!

Are you ready to dive into toilet training and want to make it Easy Brezy for both you and your little one- Check out my comprehensive Toilet Transition Guide , complete with a 1-hour training video and an e-book, all for just $45!