Most mums are advised in hospital to avoid offering a bottle for the first few months, or until breastfeeding is well-established, to ensure breastfeeding success.
While that advice has merit, I offer a slightly different perspective.
Babies are Born With a Strong Innate Suck Reflex
Babies are born with a strong innate suck reflex—it’s part of their survival instinct. We’ve all seen those beautiful videos of newborns instinctively rooting for the breast and latching on. It’s amazing to witness that natural connection!
But experienced parents know that newborns will suck on just about anything that comes near their mouth, whether it’s a breast, a finger, or even Dad’s nose (although that doesn’t get as much attention on YouTube! 😄).
So, Where Does Nipple Confusion Come in?
Nipple confusion is the idea that if a baby is introduced to a bottle or dummy too early, they might struggle to breastfeed properly.
While there can be some truth to this, especially in the very early days, I believe that introducing these tools doesn’t need to be avoided forever. In fact, waiting too long might cause its own set of challenges.
My Recommendation
Avoid dummies or bottles for the first 3 weeks to allow your baby to develop a consistent breastfeeding routine.
After that, these tools can be used sparingly, and thoughtfully, when needed.
I’ve seen time and time again that if babies aren’t introduced to a dummy or bottle, or have only tried them once or twice by the 10-12 week mark, they may outright refuse them later.
If mixed feeding or the use of a dummy is something you’d like as an option, introducing it early on (but not immediately) helps your baby get used to it, so it’s available to you down the road when needed.
Babies, like all of us, become familiar with what they experience regularly—so introducing these tools in moderation can help them accept it without interfering with breastfeeding.
Every baby is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.
Trust your instincts, listen to your baby, and feel confident in finding what works best for you both.