(sweet dreams for baby 8 hours of beauty sleep for you)
Although it is normal for babies to wake during the night, waking more than 2 to 3 times for a baby under six months and once or twice for a baby over six months is considered excessive waking. Most babies can sleep through the night by 6- 9 months without needing to feed. You can help them to develop healthy sleep and routine patterns in the early months. Even babies who do sleep through the night wake, but if they have learnt some self-soothing skills, they will be able to go back to sleep without calling out for help. Babies who are waking and needing support every time they wake usually have an external sleep association that a parent needs to support them with.
In this digital age, we are inundated with “Sleep Training” advice. As so many of these are conflicting and confusing; its no wonder parents are feeling lost with where to begin helping their baby learn a positive routine and sleep behaviours. The goal and intention of a consultation with Lullababy SOS is to help you find a flexible routine and an individual settling strategy that is just right for you and your baby . I don’t believe in set sleep training methods, although for some these methods are absolutely what’s needed they are far from my first recommendation. My goal is to help you understand why and where your baby is struggling the most and how you can help them go from dependant to independent sleepers. At no point, while working together should you or your baby feel distressed.
All Consultations include an individual routine settling plan and three weeks of follow-up telephone and email support.
During this Online Phone/ Video consultations, you will learn everything that you need to learn to start addressing your little ones excessive overnight wakes and start improving their sleep, settling and routine straightaway. This Consultation includes all the advantages of an in-home consultation, but instead of hands-on support, my support is virtual.
In this 1 hour consultation, we will discuss in detail all the changes that you need to make that will help you and your family gain back hours of sleep.
This settling plan is not about leaving your baby to cry themselves to sleep. You will learn how you can support them in a way that will teach your baby how to become more independent with settling. Lullababy SOS Settling plan has a strong focus on helping parents understand the development of sleep behaviours and the science around sleep how associations form. I help you to understand why your baby is waking so often and how you can help them improve this. You will have not only have a settling plan to help you manage this current sleep issue, but you will understand how you can help your little one as they grow and hit new hurdles. We will go through all of your concerns and questions.
You will then implement the suggested settling plan and have me as your personal support and coach for phone support while going through the settling program for the next three weeks.
As part of your booking please answer all the questions in the questionnaire below and keep a 2-3 day detailed diary separately and email this to me along with photos to lullababysos@gmail.com at least two days before our Consultation
So you have done your Pre-natal classes and learnt all about what to expect at the birth, you’ve learnt how to change nappies and swaddle babies, but you’re still feeling clueless about feeding sleeping and routines. Well, this is the Consultation to help you clear up all that confusion.
During this consultation, we will discuss
How you can establish and comfort your baby onto a good routine that works for your family.
Establishing Good Feeding Habits -this will include breast bottle and combination feeding
How to best support your baby with overnight feeds to set up positive habits, so they can start stretching their overnight blocks of sleep as they grow.
Teaching your baby HOW to sleep and SLEEP TRAINING are two completely different things
$220 payment made at the time of booking
Especially for those cheeky monkey’s who are driving you round the twist with their bedtime antics and musical beds overnight.
If your exhausted, frustrated and just plan out of ideas for how to help your little one go to sleep and stay in their own bed, then this is the Consultation for you.
The Lullababy SOS Big Bed to Big School consultation is the one for you.
This settling plan is so easy to follow, fun, and so quick and easy to see the changes that you will be kicking yourself that you left it for so long. Within just a few days, you will see your little one start to enjoy bedtime and settle with ease.
The Consultation included all written material a 1-hour in-depth video or phone consultation where we will go through your settling plan in detail answer all questions and concerns.
Three weeks follow up support is included
$220 payment made at the time of booking
Especially for parents who have already engaged Lullababy SOS services in the last 12 months (of a full service). Or for parents who just want a Routine shakeup for their little one. The Routine Review is a 30-minute call or video call a new updated written routine will be provided if required.
There is NO FOLLOW UP support offered with this service. (up to 30 minutes) $75
In a time when face to face is not possible people have embraced the online services available. For many years I have conducted most of my consultations face to face so I understand the sense of security and support you feel when you have me there with you helping you with the actual settling process, it is for this reason that I’m offering this add on to any consultation for any parents who would like be virtually assisting them. Let me worry about the logistics of this but know that with this consultation using video and audio link I will be able to be there for you in realtime while you’re settling your baby I will be able to see how your baby is responding to your assistance and help you alter your support as needed. The whole way through the settle I will be talking with you in your headphone explaining everything at every step of the way so you can feel confident moving forward.
Typically from 6pm-8.30/9pm (extra time is $50 per hour or part thereof)
As expected this settling plan is aimed to help you through your first bath and bedtime routine and first settle on the settling plan. This Consultation is aimed to give you practical assistance and support for your first settle, once your baby is asleep we will go through your settling plan in detail and go through your concerns and question before concluding.
3 weeks of follow up telephone and email support included in this package. $500
8 am -2 pm I love this consultation Package.
Why because it gives us plenty of time to do not only one but two naps together, we also get to work through a wake window and have LOADS of time for you to pick my brain for all things baby related. This Consultation is aimed to give you practical support settling your baby for 2 naps during the day. I will usually do the first and support you through the second. This Consultation allows plenty of time for us to go through settling plan, routine options and any concerns or questions you may have. An excellent consultation option for a parent who feels they need a little extra support
Three weeks of follow-up phone and email support included in this package. $700
An overnight consultation is from 6 pm-6 am, during this Consultation we get really comfortable with each other
I will help you through the first night of your settling plan. We typically start with going through your history and relevant information;
we will then bath and settle baby together. Once your baby has settled, we will discuss the settling plan and routine in detail and go through any concerns or questions you have. I do not expect you to sit up all night, so once we have gone through all the information, we will try to get some sleep.
When your baby wakes, you will have my full support and guidance as you implement your settling plan.
Three weeks of follow-up phone and email support is included in this packageb$990
Consultations for Twins & Multiples are the same are $90 extra
This Consultation can be for anyone with a child from newborn to school age.
You can book an in-home 2-hour consultation for a new baby, toddler, toddler plus new baby or multiples
During this consultation, we can discuss any of the needs mentioned above and
(6pm until 2 pm the following day )
This settling plan is aimed to help you through your first bath and bedtime routine, the first night of settling and helping you with settling into your routine the following day. This is an excellent consultation for parents who want support through their first 24 hours of a settling plan. A consultation like this does wonders for your confidence and helps you move forward at a pace that both you and your child are comfortable with. The Consultation is aimed to give you time, practical assistance and support for your first full day on a settling plan. Parents can book single or consecutive days as required. In my experience, this is a fantastic consultation for both you and your child. You can book consecutive days as necessary.
Three weeks of follow up phone and email support are included in this package.
* All In-home Consultations are quoted for within 40 Km of Coolangatta, using Google maps more than 40km from Coolangatta incur a TRAVEL FEE as below-
$50 for between 40-80 km from Coolangatta
$80 for 80-110 km from Coolangatta
$100 for 110- 160 km from Coolangatta
$150 – 160-210 km from Coolangatta
* Gift Vouchers Available
* Consultations requiring more individual needs are quoted on an individual basis.